Cohabiting Couples

Cohabiting Couples

The Family Law Team at Meaby&Co aims to empower you to deal with the process with confidence and dignity.

If you are not married or in a civil partnership there is a completely different set of rules for you to contend with if your relationship breaks down – understanding that is the first step on your journey.

Although certain remedies are not available to you, such as maintenance for yourself (as opposed to child maintenance) and pension sharing, we will help you to achieve the best possible outcome.

We can help you to deal with any jointly owned property. You may have a financial interest in a property, even if you are not the legal owner of the property – we can help you to establish your case. Maybe you want to sell the property but your partner doesn’t – we can assist you with an application for an order for sale.

We can assist with applications for the provision of financial assistance and or property settlements for children under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989.

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