Meaby & Co Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership authorised and regulated by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (SRA Number 447880) and registered in England and Wales with registered number OC322672. Its registered office is at 2 Camberwell Church St, London, SE5 8QY where a list of members’ names and their qualifications is open to inspection. The term ‘partner’ is used to refer to a member of Meaby & Co Solicitors LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status.
These are sometimes also called “Post-termination restrictions”. These are restrictions on an employee’s right to take up a position in competition with their previous role, even after termination of their previous employment.
Although these are a restraint of trade, they are permissible under certain circumstances. This is a dynamic area of law, heavily dependent on recent case law. We can assist businesses who wish to enforce any restrictive covenants where former employees are in breach.
Conversely, we can act for employees who may have concerns about the enforceability of any restrictive covenants in their current or proposed employment contract.